Summer 2022 Information
Wabun’s 90th Season has begun!
Below is Wabun’s itinerary board – a digital version, of course, as the main one is posted outside of the office on Garden Island. This will be updated as the summer progresses and trip itineraries are posted. Below the itinerary board you will find links to important documents about the 2022 summer, including section alignments.
Itinerary Board

Other links
Section Alignment: This PDF lists the campers and staff in each section. This will be updated accordingly as the summer progresses.
Summer Photos: Follow this link to see pictures taken as campers arrive on Garden Island and come and go between trips.
End-of-Season Visitors: Click this link for the end-of-season schedule. This is for families who plan on visiting Garden Island on August 6, 7, or 8. If you are planning on visiting us on Garden Island, please fill out this form prior to your arrival so we can be prepared! Finally, this Google Maps Pin will help you locate where to find the transportation barge at the end of the Lake Temagami Access Road.